

Upset Recovery and Spin Training

Conducted in either our super decathalon or T-28’s, pilots will have the opportunity to enter, experience and recover from a spin. We believe this is very important training. Stall/Spin prevention and awareness can only be successful if a pilot is aware of the flight characterstics immediately preceeding the event. We also comfortably get pilots over the “fear factor”, often associated with this manuever. Fear prevents learning, so we believe students must be comfortable and prepared to face a deep spin, at least the first time. Upset recovery is also part of the curriculum, where we teach students the appropriate responses for encounter an upset flight condition and recovering from it.

Back Country Aviation
Back Country Aviation

Introduction to Aerobatics

Generally completed in our Super Decathalon, students will learn the basics of aerobatic flight. We learn emergency procedures, including emergency egress, aileron rolls and 10 point spins, roll reversal and 2 point rolls, inside loops, and immelman turns. We focus on the safe and structured learning, where students learn, perform, and master a maneuver, before moving on to the next. We believe its imperative a student master the foundamentals before moving onto advanced flying.

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Backcountry Flying

  • Introduction to Backcountry Flying
  • Advanced Backcountry Techniques

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Mountain Flying

  • Mountain Checkouts
  • Density Altitude Training

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Warbird Experiences

  • Insurance Checkouts
  • Formation Training
  • Warbird Discovery Flights

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